• Authors: Menene Gras Balaguer, Fernando Reyes Matta, Gerardo Claps Gallo.
  • Spanish | English
  • 978-84-936363-2-6
  • €60,00 | Hardcover | 32.3 x 24.7 cm | 372 page
  • Casa Asia and CDAN (Huesca Art and Nature Center) | Barcelona, ​​2008
  • Government of Chile (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Cultural Affairs), IPD Foundation (Institute for Promotion and Development)

This book contains the project that the artist Magdalena Correa made relating the Gobi Desert (China) and the Atacama Desert (Chile), identifying them with two antagonistic typologies of territory, which she investigated for two years, associating them not only with climatology but to their respective inhabitants — nomads in one case and sedentary in the other. This work was preceded by a trip to Patagonia and the resulting project “Austral”, which also became a book. The antecedents must be sought in the interest that the artist presents in the toponymic figure of the “desert” and its different variables. The incorporation of these geographies in her work expands the contribution that the artist began a few years ago with the records of urban architecture to which she then contrasted the landscapes of desolation of this part of the world. This volume is related to the exhibition that was inaugurated within the framework of the activities that Casa Asia programmed for LOOP 2008, as it consists of a set of video installations and light boxes containing opposing moving images of both deserts.

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