• Authors: Menene Gras Balaguer (Ed.), Tecla Lumbreras Kraüel, John C. Welchman, Daehyung Lee, Marie de Brugerolle, Gregor Jansen, Sumi Kang, Jonathan Harris, Lawrence A. Rickels, Michael Cohen, Peter Halley.
  • CAstellano | English
  • 978-84-9747-973-8
  • €10,00 | Hardcover | 16.9 x 24.5 cm | 466 page
  • Casa Asia / UMA Editorial | Madrid, 2017
  • University of Malaga, Malaga City Council, Casa Asia, PKMGALLERY.

Cody Choi (Seoul, 1961) is a Korean artist who was born with television and his place in the world was first within a wealthy family from Seoul, who, due to the economic crisis of the 80s, had to end up emigrating to the United States. . The experience of moving as an emigrant turned out to be very different from what he had imagined. End of the American dream: the traumatic event of separation from the place of origin and, reciprocally, the inability to adapt to the new environment are among the causes that weaken Choi who still did not know what he wanted to be. The work of Cody Choi places us in a “between two worlds”, the one that the artist abandons and the one he arrives at, where it does not matter what the answer is, because the artist proceeds to build his own world in an environment that is initially hostile to him. . This book brings together images of the artist's work produced between 1986 and 2017, along with texts about it that help understand his work, such as that of John C. Welchman, one of the great specialists in his work; or Daehyung Lee.

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