• Authors: Menene Gras Balaguer (Ed.), David Almazán Tomás, Darío Álvarez Álvarez, Pedro Aullón de Haro, Elena Barlés Báguena, Pilar Cabañas Moreno, José María Cabeza Lainez, Susana Canogar McKenzie, Ovidi Carbonell Cortés, Fernando Cid Lucas, Alfonso Falero Folgoso, Pilar Garcés, Fernando García Gutiérrez, Yayoi Kawamura, Federico Lanzaco Salafranca, Noni Lazaga, Kan Masuda, Oihana Montilla Ojeda, Esther Pizarro, Fernando Rodríguez-Izquierdo Gavala, Ramón Rodríguez Llera, Carlos Rubio, Francisco Javier Ruiz Carrasco, Félix Ruiz de la Puerta , Mana Salehi, Masatoshi Takebe, Hiroya Tanaka, Lourdes Terrón, Manuel Valencia, Miquel Vidal Pla, Javier Vives.
  • Spanish
  • 978-84-309-6535-9
  • €29,50 | Soft Cover | 15.5 x 23 cm | 555 page
  • Tecnos Editorial | Madrid, 2015 | www.tecnos.es
  • Casa Asia.

This book treats the Japanese garden as a cultural construction of the natural landscape, denying the character of an isolated phenomenon, despite being a fact of culture that has preserved its individuality over the centuries since its implantation in Japan from China. The need to understand it comparatively from different perspectives and cultures seems to have intensified with the geographical turn experienced in the social sciences during the last two decades. The Japanese garden is popularly understood as a work of art, whose representativeness contributes to the construction of its own cultural identity, through which a social projection of the subject or individual belonging to the culture that has created it is staged. The polysemic resonance suggested by its name makes it a kind of local and universal archetype, which cannot be addressed separately without taking into account its antecedents and its purpose, as it is the expression of a swarm of manifestations that defines or identifies the complexity of a culture like the Japanese. The art of gardens is inseparable from the idea of ​​representation, both for the symbolic value of its compositional elements and for the speaking character that is generally attributed to them, whatever the essence of their saying and what they can achieve. communicate. The Japanese garden is a spatial and geographical construction that responds to a way of understanding the world or cosmology; and, simultaneously, the abbreviated representation of a universe, as an expression of a human society that builds an image of itself in a world of shifting and migrant identities, claiming what is beyond its ephemeral character to transcend its impermanence.

This volume is divided into four sections: 1. Aesthetics and semiotics of the Japanese garden; 2. From nature to landscape: the geography of the seasons; 3. Garden grammar: water, stone and tree; 4. The Japanese garden as a cultural construction.

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