- Authors: Menene Gras Balaguer, Jaime García Amaral, Fernando Castro Flórez, Carles Taché Joan Abelló Juanpere, Chema Alvargonzalez.
- Spanish
- B-19788 2008
- € | Hardcover | 23.4 x 30.7 cm | 112 page
- Consulate General of Mexico in Barcelona | Barcelona, 2008
- Casa Asia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Ámister Hotel Barcelona, Tokyo Wonder Site.
That painting is no longer “painting” has been evident for more than a century. Bosco Sodi is, however, one of the few remaining defenders of painting, considering that it is a language through which he can translate sensations and impressions into another expressive language that is activated by a kind of internal condensation that is externalized through this instrument. His painting is a “non-painting” because the denial of what supposedly is becomes a priority: the forms of the pictorial thus acquire consistency and are exposed to the elements of their negativity. The journey crosses the work of Bosco Sodi, who lives in Barcelona, Mexico, where he comes from, and Berlin. This book shows the work carried out by the artist in Japan, as a result of the scholarship that was awarded to him to do a residency at Tokyo Wonder Site. From Mexico to Japan passing through Europe, the artist's itinerary has been highly instructive. But, what he tells is the projection of his perception of the spaces and places where he manufactures his own temporality. Because painting is not only a form of speech, but time, like the word we construct and pronounce.
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