- AÑO: 2008
- EDITORS: Guillermo Martínez-Taberner and Christopher Burke
In the specific case of the African continent, the relevance of the Chinese presence has grown exponentially in recent years, turning the debate about it into an unavoidable topical issue. With the final objective of being able to know in an approximate and multidimensional way what is the true impact of the Chinese presence on the governance situation on the African continent, specifically, on the economic institutions and the sustainable and balanced development of Africa, Casa Asia and its counterpart institution for the African continent, Casa África, jointly organized an international seminar in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, under the title with clear Turnerian nuances of “Africa: the new Chinese frontier.” The compilation resulting from the sum of the contents presented in said seminar together with other complementary articles, the result of collaboration with the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, constitute this special issue of the GovernAsia Bulletin.