Casa Asia It has been located at Elisabets Street, no. 24 of the Ciutat Vella district in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona. The City Council has assigned this space, “The old Chapel of the House of the Orphaned Infants” to Casa Asia so that it can carry out its activities, in accordance with the provisions of its statutes.

It is a rectangular building, protected as cultural asset of local interest, located in an environment where other institutions such as CIDOB, MACBA, CCCB or the Institut Confuci Barcelona Foundation are located. The building consists of three plants. On the first there is a multipurpose room that hosts small-format events, while the second and third floors will be used for offices and offices.

The transfer of this space by Barcelona City Council is temporary, since the institution plans to move to the Pedralbes Palace in the near future as soon as the rehabilitation works of the two pavilions that are located at the two ends of the entrance to the venue on Diagonal Avenue have been carried out, and which will constitute the new official headquarters of Casa Asia. The rehabilitation project, which will be carried out by the Brusi collective, winner of the competition organized by Barcelona City Council, will be financed with the help of European Next Generation funds.

It is the fourth headquarters of Casa Asia, which opened its doors for the first time in the Palau del Baró de Quadras (2003-2013), was later located in one of the pavilions of the Sant Pau Modernist Campus, (2013-2018), and moved to the CNMC building in Glòries in the 2018-2023 stage).

How to contact. Phone and email directory

Casa Asia – Barcelona

Capella dels Infants Orfes
Calle Elisabets, 24 – 08001 Barcelona
Tel: 93 368 08 36 / Fax: 93 368 03 33

Center Casa Asia - Madrid

Cañete Palace
Calle Mayor, 69 – 28013 Madrid
Phone: (+91) 389 61 00 XNUMX

Casa Asia It has been located at Elisabets Street, no. 24 of the Ciutat Vella district in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona. The City Council has assigned this space, “The old Chapel of the House of the Orphaned Infants” to Casa Asia so that it can carry out its activities, in accordance with the provisions of its statutes.

It is a rectangular building, protected as cultural asset of local interest, located in an environment where other institutions such as CIDOB, MACBA, CCCB or the Institut Confuci Barcelona Foundation are located. The building consists of three plants. On the first there is a multipurpose room that hosts small-format events, while the second and third floors will be used for offices and offices.

The transfer of this space by Barcelona City Council is temporary, since the institution plans to move to the Pedralbes Palace in the near future as soon as the rehabilitation works of the two pavilions that are located at the two ends of the entrance to the venue on Diagonal Avenue have been carried out, and which will constitute the new official headquarters of Casa Asia. The rehabilitation project, which will be carried out by the Brusi collective, winner of the competition organized by Barcelona City Council, will be financed with the help of European Next Generation funds.

It is the fourth headquarters of Casa Asia, which opened its doors for the first time in the Palau del Baró de Quadras (2003-2013), was later located in one of the pavilions of the Sant Pau Modernist Campus, (2013-2018), and moved to the CNMC building in Glòries in the 2018-2023 stage).

How to contact. Phone and email directory

Casa Asia – Barcelona

Capella dels Infants Orfes
Calle Elisabets, 24 – 08001 Barcelona
Tel: 93 368 08 36 / Fax: 93 368 03 33

Center Casa Asia - Madrid

Cañete Palace
Calle Mayor, 69 – 28013 Madrid
Phone: (+91) 389 61 00 XNUMX