The 27 of September of 2024 Casa Asia organizes XII Reunión de Estudios Asiáticos (REA), en colaboración con el Centro de Estudios e Investigación sobre Asia Oriental (CERAO) de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB).
In this edition, the Dr. Tina Chen, director of Penn State's Global Asias Initiative at Pennsylvania State University, will deliver the opening lecture entitled: Global Asias: Problems, Possibilities, Praxis, which will be presented and moderated by Dr. Blai Guarné, Director of CERAO at the UAB. The speaker will present the philosophy, principles and practices that guide research in the emerging field of Global Asia, with the ultimate goal of considering its transformative contribution to the way we approach objects, methods and practices in the study of Asia (from area studies, ethnic studies, migration and diaspora studies, and interdisciplinary studies).
Following the opening conference, a round table discussion will take place: Knowledge transfer in Asian Studies in Spain. Representatives of the Asian Studies Reflection Group, formed by academics from Spanish universities and coordinated by Casa Asia, will share their reflections on the Draft Royal Decree of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and will discuss the challenges, actions and social value of knowledge transfer in Asian Studies.
The round table will also address what we understand by knowledge transfer in the Social Sciences and Humanities, and will present experiences and good practices in the transfer of knowledge in Asian Studies in Spain. Finally, the development and continuity of the Guide to Asian Studies in Spain: analysis, evolution and perspectives (Aranzadi 2023).
This annual academic meeting brings together representatives of Spanish universities with study programmes – undergraduate and/or postgraduate – and Asian languages, or those wishing to incorporate them in the future.
10:00 pm Welcome words
Javier Lafuente Sancho, Rector Magnificent, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Javier Parrondo, Director General of Casa Asia
Carlos Moreno Blanco, Director General for North America, Eastern Europe, Asia and the Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation
10:15 a.m. Family photo
10.30 am Opening conference: “Global Asias: Problems, Possibilities, Praxis”
By Dr. Tina Chen, Penn State's Global Asias Initiative, The Pennsylvania State University, USA.
Presented and moderated by: Blai Guarné, Director of CERAO, Autonomous University of Barcelona
11:30 a.m. Coffee Break
12.00 h Round table: “The transfer of knowledge in Asian Studies in Spain”
“The transfer of knowledge, its connection and impact on the territory”
Fernando Merida, Deputy Director General of Knowledge Transfer, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
“Accreditation of knowledge transfer”
Jaume Valls, Director, Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU Catalunya)
“Notes from the perspective of Asian Studies on the Draft Royal Decree that develops the six-year transfer period”
Mario Esteban, Autonomous University of Madrid, will present the conclusions agreed upon by the Asian Studies Reflection Group coordinated by Casa Asia.
“Approaching knowledge transfer in Asian Studies in Spain: challenges, actions, social value”
David Doncel, University of Salamanca, will present the conclusions agreed upon by the Asian Studies Reflection Group coordinated by Casa Asia and will present the results of the Consultation sent “Knowledge Transfer in Asian Studies”.
“Experiences and good practices in knowledge transfer in Asian Studies in Spain”
Mireia Vargas-Urpí, TXICC and GELEA2L Research Group, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
“Development and continuity of the Guide to Asian Studies in Spain: the university and the transfer of knowledge”
Raul Ramirez, Rey Juan Carlos University, co-author of the Guide to Asian Studies in Spain: analysis, evolution and perspectives (Aranzadi 2023).
Presented and moderated by: Yasmin Paricio, Coordinator of Politics, Society and Educational Programs, Casa Asia.
13:30h Debate with participating people
14:00 p.m. Lunch
Lengua de trabajo de la XII RAE: español, excepto en la conferencia inaugural que se impartirá en inglés sin servicio de interpretación.

The Asian Studies Reflection Group, coordinated by Casa Asia, has been formed by:
Anna Busquets, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
David Doncel, University of Salamanca
Mario Esteban, Autonomous University of Madrid
Pilar Garces, University of Valladolid
Blai Guarné, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Aurelia Martin-Casares, Malaga University
Yasmin Paricio, Casa Asia
Raul Ramirez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Andrés Santana, Cadiz University
Reference documentation:
Friday, September 27, 2024, from 10.00am to 14.30pm
Great Hall
Casa de la Convalescència
C/ de St. Antoni Maria Claret, 171
08041 Barcelona
Free event prior registration.